Islamic Outreach ABIM Penang (IOA)

Islamic Outreach ABIM Penang (IOA) is an on going voluntary non-profit program to promote a true understanding of Islam, provide information, encouraging dialogue and meaningful interaction amongst cultures. Its formation was aimed to reach out and deliver the message of Islam, to present Islam as a religion of peace and mercy, to inform Muslims and Non Muslims locally and internationally throughout of guidance and way of life in Islam.

This program began in 1987. Its activities are currently held at its premises at 47, Lebuh Acheh in the vicinity of the historical and iconic Masjid Melayu Lebuh Acheh. This premises is rented from Majlis Agama Islam Pulau Pinang. This is a strategic location in Penang’s heritage zone which is frequently visited by tourists from far and wide.

IOA reaches out through its tuition classes and friendly chit-chats. The classes give lessons on basic understanding of Islam. All the classes and activities offered are free of charge and open to all, specifically those who are interested in Islam, those who seek to be informed and the newly converted.

This program primarily uses English but other languages are used appropriate with the audience.

IOA carries out its mission in accordance with the meaning of Surah An Nahl 16 verse 125 which says, ‘Invite (all) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for your Lord knows best who have strayed from His Path and who receive guidance.’

Islamic Outreach ABIM is a program of Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia Pulau Pinang (Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia Penang).